Census 2021

This area has been created to make a space for all information regarding the 2021 Census including useful links, tools and reports.
The Office for National Statistics is the main provider of Census 2021 information and have been working hard to produce a variety of Census 2021 products to present the findings from the survey. This includes interactive maps and providing reports on how the data has changed for an area, providing information on what people’s lives were like across England and Wales in March 2021. Links to these resources are available below.
For additional useful resources to Census 2021, including local information on the three Berkshire East local authorities, please see the ‘useful resources’ section to the bottom of this page.
Useful Resources
Centenarians living in England and Wales in 2021 (ONS)
An interactive tool to help local authorities compare age-sex estimates and comparator data from Census 2021 to other areas within England. You can use the tool to access information from the age-sex charts for any local authority in England. The tool contains charts and information at the county and national levels.
Data and Analysis -
Compare age-sex estimates from Census 2021 to areas within England and Wales (ONS)
An interactive tool to help local authorities compare age-sex estimates and comparator data from Census 2021 to other areas within England. You can use the tool to access information from the age-sex charts for any local authority in England. The tool also contains charts and information at the county and national levels
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Census 2021: Disability by age, sex and deprivation, England and Wales (ONS)
Insights into disability prevalence in England using Census 2021 data
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Census 2021: Protected characteristics by disability status, England and Wales (ONS)
Report exploring how observed trends found in disability are also found for other protected characteristics, including ethnic group, religion, sexual orientation, and legal partnership status.
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Census 2021: how homes are heated in your area (ONS)
A report on how homes are heated across England, showing the percentage of households by central heating type.
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Country of birth, 2021 census: Constituency data (UK Parliament, 2023)
A data dashboard providing 2021 census data on people’s country of birth at a constituency and neighbourhood level. Also includes comparisons to the 2011 census data.
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Disability, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on self-reported disability in England and Wales, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how levels of disability (aged-standardised) vary across local authorities in England.
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Ethnic groups, 2021 census: Constituency data (UK Parliament, 2023)
A data dashboard providing 2021 census data on which ethnic groups people identify as at a constituency and neighbourhood level. Also includes comparisons to the 2011 census data.
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Gender identity, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
Gender identity refers to a person’s sense of their own gender, whether male, female or another category such as non-binary. This may or may not be the same as their sex registered at birth. The 2021 census included questions on gender identify for the first time and the responses are summarised in this report. Information at a local authority level is included as an interactive maps and there are links to more detailed datasets.
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General health, England and Wales: Census 2021(Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on people’s health across local authorities in England, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how general health (aged-standardised) varies across local authorities in England.
Data and Analysis -
How life has changed in Bracknell Forest: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Bracknell Forest from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
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How life has changed in Slough: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Slough from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
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How life has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
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How the population changed in Bracknell Forest: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how the population has changed in Bracknell Forest from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on population size, density and age.
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How the population changed in Slough: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how the population has changed in Slough from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on population size, density and age.
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How the population changed in Windsor and Maidenhead: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how the population has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on population size, density and age.
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The changing picture of short-term international migration, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
An overview of non-UK-born short-term residents who were born outside the UK, arrived within a year before census day and intended to stay for a period of less than 12 months. The report represents a small group of census respondents, but they are important contributing to the labour market.
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UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of UK armed forces veterans population who have either previously served in the regular forces, reserve forces, or both, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how UK armed forces veterans’ population varied across local authorities in England.
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Unpaid care, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on unpaid carers and how many hours of care they provide in a typical week, based on Census 2021 data. Ths includes an interactive map showing how levels of unpaid care (aged-standardised) varies across local authorities in England.
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Unpaid care by age, sex and deprivation, England (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
The dataset contains unpaid care by age, sex, and deprivation in England based on census 2021 data.
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Bracknell Forest Census 2021 Demographics Household Characteristics and Socioeconomics Report
Bracknell Forest Public Health Team have provided some insightful analysis on the Census 2021 data, looking at household characteristics and economic and social conditions of the local population within the Borough.
Data and Analysis Research and Reports
Currently no resources for this region
Centenarians living in England and Wales in 2021 (ONS)
An interactive tool to help local authorities compare age-sex estimates and comparator data from Census 2021 to other areas within England. You can use the tool to access information from the age-sex charts for any local authority in England. The tool contains charts and information at the county and national levels.
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Compare age-sex estimates from Census 2021 to areas within England and Wales (ONS)
An interactive tool to help local authorities compare age-sex estimates and comparator data from Census 2021 to other areas within England. You can use the tool to access information from the age-sex charts for any local authority in England. The tool also contains charts and information at the county and national levels
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Census 2021: Disability by age, sex and deprivation, England and Wales (ONS)
Insights into disability prevalence in England using Census 2021 data
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Census 2021: Protected characteristics by disability status, England and Wales (ONS)
Report exploring how observed trends found in disability are also found for other protected characteristics, including ethnic group, religion, sexual orientation, and legal partnership status.
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Census 2021: how homes are heated in your area (ONS)
A report on how homes are heated across England, showing the percentage of households by central heating type.
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Country of birth, 2021 census: Constituency data (UK Parliament, 2023)
A data dashboard providing 2021 census data on people’s country of birth at a constituency and neighbourhood level. Also includes comparisons to the 2011 census data.
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Disability, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on self-reported disability in England and Wales, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how levels of disability (aged-standardised) vary across local authorities in England.
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Ethnic groups, 2021 census: Constituency data (UK Parliament, 2023)
A data dashboard providing 2021 census data on which ethnic groups people identify as at a constituency and neighbourhood level. Also includes comparisons to the 2011 census data.
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Gender identity, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
Gender identity refers to a person’s sense of their own gender, whether male, female or another category such as non-binary. This may or may not be the same as their sex registered at birth. The 2021 census included questions on gender identify for the first time and the responses are summarised in this report. Information at a local authority level is included as an interactive maps and there are links to more detailed datasets.
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General health, England and Wales: Census 2021(Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on people’s health across local authorities in England, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how general health (aged-standardised) varies across local authorities in England.
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The changing picture of short-term international migration, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
An overview of non-UK-born short-term residents who were born outside the UK, arrived within a year before census day and intended to stay for a period of less than 12 months. The report represents a small group of census respondents, but they are important contributing to the labour market.
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UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of UK armed forces veterans population who have either previously served in the regular forces, reserve forces, or both, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how UK armed forces veterans’ population varied across local authorities in England.
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Unpaid care, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on unpaid carers and how many hours of care they provide in a typical week, based on Census 2021 data. Ths includes an interactive map showing how levels of unpaid care (aged-standardised) varies across local authorities in England.
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Unpaid care by age, sex and deprivation, England (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
The dataset contains unpaid care by age, sex, and deprivation in England based on census 2021 data.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
Currently no resources for this region
How life has changed in Bracknell Forest: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Bracknell Forest from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis -
How the population changed in Bracknell Forest: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how the population has changed in Bracknell Forest from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on population size, density and age.
Data and Analysis -
Bracknell Forest Census 2021 Demographics Household Characteristics and Socioeconomics Report
Bracknell Forest Public Health Team have provided some insightful analysis on the Census 2021 data, looking at household characteristics and economic and social conditions of the local population within the Borough.
Data and Analysis Research and Reports
Currently no resources for this region
How life has changed in Slough: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Slough from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis -
How the population changed in Slough: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how the population has changed in Slough from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on population size, density and age.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
How life has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis -
How the population changed in Windsor and Maidenhead: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how the population has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on population size, density and age.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region