People in Contact with the Justice System

People in contact with the criminal justice system face significant health inequalities such as, mortality rates for prisoners are 50% higher than the rest of the population, people in and out of the criminal justice system are four times more likely to be smokers and 15% of prisoners had been homeless immediately prior to custody, compared to a lifetime experience of homelessness of 3.5% in the wider population.
The Rebalancing Act is a resource for public health, police and crime commissioners to support collaborative work to improve health, reduce reoffending and health inequalities in people in contact with the criminal justice system.
Useful Resources
Continuity of care for prisoners who need substance misuse treatment (GOV.UK)
This toolkit is for services which provide substance misuse treatment in prisons, other secure settings, and the community. It includes guidance in improving continuity of care and completing an audit of the referral and treatment pathway. It is aimed at both the providers and commissioners of these services.
Guidance and Best Practice -
SPOTLIGHT: Improving Inclusion Health Outcomes Tool (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
Spotlight is a platform that collates and presents key statistics related to the public health outcomes of Inclusion health groups across the following themes: access to and utilisation of health care; preventative care; health outcomes; and wider determinants of health.
Website of resources -
Drug-related deaths and suicide in prison custody in England and Wales: 2008 to 2019
It’s an analysis report of drug-related deaths and suicides in England among prisoners, based on confidential matching of data from HM Prison and Probation Service and Office for National Statistics mortality records.
Data and Analysis -
The future of prison mental health care in England (Centre for Mental Health)
This report details the themes and findings from an independent review of prison mental health care commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement. The review will quantify the levels of service provided, need and (where possible) unmet need. It will inform the future of prison mental health care.
Research and Reports -
Inclusion Health Groups in Frimley ICS: An overview of available data and published evidence (OHID)
This data pack is intended to provide a one-off summary of available data and evidence for the inclusion of health groups in the South East at an ICB level. The aim of this resource is to understand what data exists at a local level. For each group, the key messages for systems are presented, followed by an overview of health issues and available data.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
Continuity of care for prisoners who need substance misuse treatment (GOV.UK)
This toolkit is for services which provide substance misuse treatment in prisons, other secure settings, and the community. It includes guidance in improving continuity of care and completing an audit of the referral and treatment pathway. It is aimed at both the providers and commissioners of these services.
Guidance and Best Practice -
SPOTLIGHT: Improving Inclusion Health Outcomes Tool (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
Spotlight is a platform that collates and presents key statistics related to the public health outcomes of Inclusion health groups across the following themes: access to and utilisation of health care; preventative care; health outcomes; and wider determinants of health.
Website of resources -
Drug-related deaths and suicide in prison custody in England and Wales: 2008 to 2019
It’s an analysis report of drug-related deaths and suicides in England among prisoners, based on confidential matching of data from HM Prison and Probation Service and Office for National Statistics mortality records.
Data and Analysis -
The future of prison mental health care in England (Centre for Mental Health)
This report details the themes and findings from an independent review of prison mental health care commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement. The review will quantify the levels of service provided, need and (where possible) unmet need. It will inform the future of prison mental health care.
Research and Reports
Currently no resources for this region
Inclusion Health Groups in Frimley ICS: An overview of available data and published evidence (OHID)
This data pack is intended to provide a one-off summary of available data and evidence for the inclusion of health groups in the South East at an ICB level. The aim of this resource is to understand what data exists at a local level. For each group, the key messages for systems are presented, followed by an overview of health issues and available data.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
Currently no resources for this region
Currently no resources for this region
Currently no resources for this region