Inequality Groups

There are a number of groups that have identified inequalities, including ethnic minorities, the economically disadvantaged and those with chronic health conditions. For these populations, their health and healthcare issues may be exacerbated by social factors and therefore need to be highlighted for further investigation to ensure there is an opportunity to bridge the gap between these groups and the overall general population. Information here is included for groups such as Looked after children, Carers, Gypsies and Roma Travellers, LGBTQ+, Veterans, Adults with learning disabilities, people with a physical disability or sensory impairment as well as those at risk of child sexual exploitation.
Useful Resources
Inclusion Health Groups in Frimley ICS: An overview of available data and published evidence (OHID)
This data pack is intended to provide a one-off summary of available data and evidence for the inclusion of health groups in the South East at an ICB level. The aim of this resource is to understand what data exists at a local level. For each group, the key messages for systems are presented, followed by an overview of health issues and available data.
Data and Analysis -
Continuity of care for prisoners who need substance misuse treatment (GOV.UK)
This toolkit is for services which provide substance misuse treatment in prisons, other secure settings, and the community. It includes guidance in improving continuity of care and completing an audit of the referral and treatment pathway. It is aimed at both the providers and commissioners of these services.
Guidance and Best Practice -
The future of prison mental health care in England (Centre for Mental Health)
This report details the themes and findings from an independent review of prison mental health care commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement. The review will quantify the levels of service provided, need and (where possible) unmet need. It will inform the future of prison mental health care.
Research and Reports -
Drug-related deaths and suicide in prison custody in England and Wales: 2008 to 2019
It’s an analysis report of drug-related deaths and suicides in England among prisoners, based on confidential matching of data from HM Prison and Probation Service and Office for National Statistics mortality records.
Data and Analysis -
Visual Violence: Sex Worker Experiences of Imaged-Based Abuses (NUM)
It’s a visual violence project report highlighting to work with sex workers in exploring how to improve safety, regulate adult services websites, secure rights, and options for earning the money needed to live, while addressing poverty, economic insecurity, and structural inequity.
Research and Reports -
Modern slavery in the UK: March 2020 (ONS)
The hidden nature of modern slavery makes producing an accurate prevalence measure difficult. This article explores the issue and brings together data sources on known victims and cases to provide a better understanding of the extent and nature of this crime.
Data and Analysis -
UK armed forces veterans (LG Inform)
A report contains people aged 16 years and over were asked whether they had previously served in the regular or reserve UK armed forces or both. The data is presented in a variety of charts, tables, and maps by Local Authority level with different comparison group.
Data and Analysis Research and Reports -
Beyond Pockets of Excellence: Integrated Care Systems for Inclusion Health (Inclusion Health Network)
This report is intended for local and national policy makers and commissioners with an interest in improved outcomes for Inclusion Health populations. It presents lessons from a collaborative ICS learning network co-curated by Pathway, Groundswell and The King’s Fund over six months in late 2022 and early 2023.
Guidance and Best Practice -
SPOTLIGHT: Improving Inclusion Health Outcomes Tool (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
Spotlight is a platform that collates and presents key statistics related to the public health outcomes of Inclusion health groups across the following themes: access to and utilisation of health care; preventative care; health outcomes; and wider determinants of health.
Website of resources -
Census 2021: Protected characteristics by disability status, England and Wales (ONS)
Report exploring how observed trends found in disability are also found for other protected characteristics, including ethnic group, religion, sexual orientation, and legal partnership status.
Data and Analysis -
Health Inequalities Dashboard (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
This Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) tool has been developed to present evidence of health inequalities in England. Measures of inequality are provided for key indicators being used by OHID to monitor progress on reducing inequalities within England. For some indicators, inequality measures are also provided within regions, local authorities and NHS clinical commissioning groups. More local level measures will be added to the dashboard over time
Fingertips Profile -
Segment Tool (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
This Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) tool provides information on the causes of death and age groups that are driving inequalities in life expectancy at local area level. Targeting the causes of death which contribute most to the life expectancy gap should have the biggest impact on reducing inequalities.
Fingertips Profile -
Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On (Institute of Health Equity, February 2020)
The Institute of Health Equity examines progress in addressing health inequalities in England, 10 years on from the landmark study Fair Society, Healthy Lives (The Marmot Review).
Research and Reports -
No child left behind: a public health informed approach to improving outcomes for vulnerable children (Public Health England, 2020)
Reports for local government and their partners to inform their co-ordinated approaches to reduce vulnerability and adversity in childhood.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Childhood vulnerability in England 2019 (Children’s Commissioner, 2019)
The Children’s Commissioner’s 2019 childhood vulnerability report examines the latest scale of rates of childhood vulnerability.
Research and Reports -
CHLDRN – Local and national data on childhood vulnerability (Children’s Commissioner)
Childhood Local Data on Risks and Needs (CHLDRN) provides a picture of the numbers of children at risk in England, at both a national and local level. It makes available over 100 indicators across different age ranges and types of risk and allows the user to explore how these vary across England.
Data and Analysis -
Voices of England’s Missing Children: The findings of the Children’s Commissioner’s Attendance Audit (Children’s Commissioner, 2022)
The Children’s Commissioner’s Attendance Audit set out an overarching goal that every child should be in school every day, supported and ready to learn. This report provides the findings of this audit and includes six high-level ambitions to achieve this.
Statistics: looked after children and children in need (Department for Education)
Collection of statistics on children under local authority care (looked after children LAC) and children in need (CIN) at national and local authority level
Data and Analysis -
Child Sexual Exploitation (Department for Education, 2017)
Definition and a guide for practitioners, local leaders and decision-makers working to protect children from child sexual exploitation.
Research and Reports -
Group based child sexual exploitation characteristics of offending (Home Office, 2020)
This paper sets out the best available evidence on group-based child sexual exploitation. This includes the characteristics of offenders and their networks, how they operate, the context in which these crimes are committed and implications of these findings for local partners and for policy.
The paper draws on the literature review which examines group-based child sexual exploitation in the community, drawing on academic research, official statistics and grey literature. It aims to assess the quality of the evidence and highlight challenges and evidence gaps in this area.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Special educational needs (SEN) statistics (Department for Education)
Statistics on pupils with SEN, including information on educational attainment, destinations, absence, exclusions, and characteristics.
Special educational needs: analysis and summary of data sources (Department for Education)
Data analysis and links to statistical release data sources on children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) or a disability.
Data and Analysis Research and Reports -
Bracknell Forest 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment – Deep Dive (2022)
The 0-19 Health Needs Assessment (HNA) was jointly developed by the Public Health Teams in Berkshire East: Bracknell Forest Council, Slough Borough Council, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, and the overarching Berkshire East Public Health Hub. This report produced to understand the health needs of the local 0-19 population and identify areas of inequalities in Bracknell Forest.
Data and Analysis -
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment (2022)
This Health Needs Assessment was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment – Summary slides (2022)
Summary slide deck to accompany the 0-19s Health Needs Assessment that was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
Carers Trust Resources
Carers Trust is a website that offers a wide range of resources and information for anyone who works with carers.
Website of resources -
Carers – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) resources
All NICE products on carers. Includes any guidance and quality standards.
Guidance and Best Practice -
State of Caring 2021 report (Carers UK, 2021)
This report provides a snapshot of caring in 2021 by only including the responses from the 8,119 people who are currently providing care.
Research and Reports -
People with learning disabilities – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) resources
All NICE products on people with learning disabilities. Includes any guidance and quality standards.
Guidance and Best Practice -
People with learning disabilities in England (Public Health England, 2020)
Updates of national statistics about people with learning disabilities in England and the services and support available to them and their families.
Data and Analysis -
People with physical disabilities – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) resources
All NICE products on people with physical disabilities. Includes any guidance.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Adult Social Care Analytical Hub (NHS Digital)
The Adult Social Care Analytical Hub contains home pages for each of the social care publications. Each homepage has links to that publication’s Power BI interactive report, web publications and guidance.
Data and Analysis -
Female Genital Mutilation Statistics (NHS Digital)
The Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Enhanced Dataset (SCCI 2026) supports the Department of Health and Social Care’s FGM Prevention Programme by presenting a picture of the prevalence of FGM identified by the NHS in England.
Data collected by healthcare providers in England, including acute hospitals, mental health services and GP practices are collated in these statistics.Data and Analysis -
Female genital mutilation: resource pack (Home Office)
FGM is illegal in the UK. This pack includes: case studies where FGM has been experienced by girls and women in the UK and information on what local authorities and others can do to raise awareness of FGM in their local area.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Gypsies and Travellers Research Briefing (House of Commons, 2019)
This House of Commons Library briefing paper provides an overview of the key issues and policies relating to Gypsy and Traveller communities in England. The paper examines a range of issues including: inequalities, racial discrimination, accommodation needs, illegal encampments, health and education outcomes, employment rates, welfare reform and evidence of over-representation in the criminal justice system.
Research and Reports -
National LGBT Survey Data Viewer (Government Equalities Office, 2019)
Data from the national LGBT survey of 2017
Data and Analysis -
National LGBT Survey and Action Plan (Government Equalities Office)
The LGBT Action Plan (2018) was a cross-Government plan that set out how the lives of LGBT people would be imprived through Parliament. This provides a collection of reports and updates associated with the Plan
Research and Reports -
PHE Health inequalities: reducing ethnic inequalities
Guidance to support local and national action on ethnic inequalities in health.
Guidance and Best Practice -
The Khan tobacco control review: A magic bullet for health inequalities (The King’s Fund, 2022)
Summary of ‘The Khan review: making smoking obsolete’, which will inform the Government’s Health Disparities White Paper.
Research and Reports -
The health of people from ethnic minority groups in England (The Kings Fund, 2021)
This article examines ethnic differences in health outcomes, highlighting the variation across ethnic groups and health conditions, and considers what is needed to reduce health inequalities.
Research and Reports -
The unequal impact of COVID-19: investigating the effect on people with certain protected characteristics (NHS Confederation, 2022)
Research conducted by public bodies has shown that COVID-19 has had a greater impact, both directly and indirectly, on people who share certain protected characteristics (such as belonging to particular ethnicities or age categories, having a disability, or being women or from the LGBTQ+ community). Health and care services have a major role to play in both identifying the extent of these impacts as well as working together to reduce them.
This report showcases examples of health and care systems across the country devising innovative approaches to mitigate the direct effects of COVID-19, through targeted vaccination campaigns, and support for people to recover from indirect impacts, through wellbeing and support programmes.
Data and Analysis Guidance and Best Practice Research and Reports -
COVID-19: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Needs Assessment for Slough (Public Health for Berkshire, September 2020)
This needs assessment forms part of a wider programme of work in Slough and provides a descriptive overview of the risks and outcomes from COVID-19 among Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups in Slough. Using local
information from the Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System, three key areas have been examined 1) risk factors for COVID-19, 2) COVID-19 cases and 3) COVID-19 deaths.Data and Analysis -
LGBTQ Health Needs Assessments – Bracknell Forest
This section of the Joint Strategic Needs assessment (JSNA) aims to map the needs of LGBT people in Bracknell Forest as part of a formal process for the first time. It is acknowledged that the quality of evidence used is variable. However, this is an important first step in recognising the needs of this group, which include the need for further data collection, analysis and use.
Data and Analysis -
LGBTQ Health Needs Assessments – RBWM
This section of the Joint Strategic Needs assessment (JSNA) aims to map the needs of LGBT people in RBWM as part of a formal process for the first time. It is acknowledged that the quality of evidence used is variable. However, this is an important first step in recognising the needs of this group, which include the need for further data collection, analysis and use
Data and Analysis -
LGBTQ Health Needs Assessments – Slough
This section of the Joint Strategic Needs assessment (JSNA) aims to map the needs of LGBT people in Slough as part of a formal process for the first time. It is acknowledged that the quality of evidence used is variable. However, this is an important first step in recognising the needs of this group, which include the need for further data collection, analysis and use.
Data and Analysis -
RBWM Places: Ascot Population Profile (Berkshire East Public Health Hub, May 2022)
This Population Profile provides a high-level summary of the demography and health of people living in Ascot. These areas have been compared against the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) and Frimley Integrated Care System (ICS) to provide further context. Produced by the Berkshire East Public Health Hub in May 2022).
Data and Analysis -
RBWM Places: Maidenhead Town Centre and Maidenhead Population Profile (Berkshire East Public Health Hub, May 2022)
This Population Profile provides a high-level summary of the demography and health of people living in Maidenhead Town Centre and Maidenhead. These areas have been compared against the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) and Frimley Integrated Care System (ICS) to provide further context. Produced by the Berkshire East Public Health Hub in May 2022).
Data and Analysis -
RBWM Places: Windsor Population Profile (Berkshire East Public Health Hub, May 2022)
This Population Profile provides a high-level summary of the demography and health of people living in Windsor. This has been compared against the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) and Frimley Integrated Care System (ICS) to provide further context.
Data and Analysis -
Gender identity, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
Gender identity refers to a person’s sense of their own gender, whether male, female or another category such as non-binary. This may or may not be the same as their sex registered at birth. The 2021 census included questions on gender identify for the first time and the responses are summarised in this report. Information at a local authority level is included as an interactive maps and there are links to more detailed datasets.
Data and Analysis -
Disability, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on self-reported disability in England and Wales, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how levels of disability (aged-standardised) vary across local authorities in England.
Data and Analysis -
Unpaid care, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on unpaid carers and how many hours of care they provide in a typical week, based on Census 2021 data. Ths includes an interactive map showing how levels of unpaid care (aged-standardised) varies across local authorities in England.
Data and Analysis -
UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of UK armed forces veterans population who have either previously served in the regular forces, reserve forces, or both, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how UK armed forces veterans’ population varied across local authorities in England.
Data and Analysis -
UK armed forces mental health annual statistics: financial year 2020/21 (OHID)
Statistical information on mental health among the UK armed forces.
Data and Analysis Research and Reports -
Ministry of Defence Annual population survey: UK armed forces veterans residing in Great Britain (Ministry of Defence, 2019)
This page provides estimates on the size and socio-demographic characteristics of the UK veteran population living in England, Scotland and Wales.
Data and Analysis -
Unpaid care by age, sex and deprivation, England (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
The dataset contains unpaid care by age, sex, and deprivation in England based on census 2021 data.
Data and Analysis -
Learning disability – applying All Our Health (Public Health England, 2023)
This guide helps frontline workers to provide the best possible support for people with a learning disability and their families.
Data and Analysis -
How life has changed in Bracknell Forest: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Bracknell Forest from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis -
How life has changed in Slough: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Slough from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis -
How life has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis -
COVID-19 Health Inequalities and Recovery Tool for the South East (CHIRTSE) (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
The COVID-19 Health Inequalities and Recovery Tool has been developed to explore and demonstrate the immediate impacts of COVID-19 on health inequalities in the population in the South East. The tool’s purpose is to highlight health inequalities which may have been increased by the pandemic and to guide post-COVID-19 recovery plans.
Data and Analysis -
Wider Determinants of Health Profile (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
This Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) profile collates national, regional and local data on the wider determinants of health including the environment, education, employment and income, crime, health outcomes, health assets and vulnerable groups.
Fingertips Profile -
Delivering health and care for people who sleep rough: going above and beyond (The Kings Fund, 2020)
People who sleep rough have complex and multiple health and care needs that all too often are not met. They have some of the worst health outcomes in England. This report shares the findings from The Kings Fund research into the experiences of homeless people in accessing health and social care.
Research and Reports -
Migrant health guide (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Payment Rejected: Financial discrimination against sex workers in the UK (UNSEEN)
This report summarises research on the discriminatory behaviour of UK-based banks and other financial institutions against sex workers. This includes various forms of exclusion, refusal, or unfair treatment from different organisations that provide financial services to individuals and small businesses.
Research and Reports -
How to prevent modern slavery (UNSEEN)
This report is to identify trends, patterns and correlations to understand how individuals from diverse nationalities were recruited, unearth any correlations between the recruitment tactics and the methods of control used by exploiters and identify the barriers faced when trying to leave exploitative situations. The project will support stakeholders to make strategic decisions.
Research and Reports -
People experiencing homelessness, England and Wales: Census 2021 (ONS)
This statistical report contains the age, sex, ethnic group, health, disability status, legal partnership status, sexual orientation, and employment status of people identified as homeless in England and Wales, using Census 2021 data.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
Continuity of care for prisoners who need substance misuse treatment (GOV.UK)
This toolkit is for services which provide substance misuse treatment in prisons, other secure settings, and the community. It includes guidance in improving continuity of care and completing an audit of the referral and treatment pathway. It is aimed at both the providers and commissioners of these services.
Guidance and Best Practice -
The future of prison mental health care in England (Centre for Mental Health)
This report details the themes and findings from an independent review of prison mental health care commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement. The review will quantify the levels of service provided, need and (where possible) unmet need. It will inform the future of prison mental health care.
Research and Reports -
Drug-related deaths and suicide in prison custody in England and Wales: 2008 to 2019
It’s an analysis report of drug-related deaths and suicides in England among prisoners, based on confidential matching of data from HM Prison and Probation Service and Office for National Statistics mortality records.
Data and Analysis -
Visual Violence: Sex Worker Experiences of Imaged-Based Abuses (NUM)
It’s a visual violence project report highlighting to work with sex workers in exploring how to improve safety, regulate adult services websites, secure rights, and options for earning the money needed to live, while addressing poverty, economic insecurity, and structural inequity.
Research and Reports -
Modern slavery in the UK: March 2020 (ONS)
The hidden nature of modern slavery makes producing an accurate prevalence measure difficult. This article explores the issue and brings together data sources on known victims and cases to provide a better understanding of the extent and nature of this crime.
Data and Analysis -
UK armed forces veterans (LG Inform)
A report contains people aged 16 years and over were asked whether they had previously served in the regular or reserve UK armed forces or both. The data is presented in a variety of charts, tables, and maps by Local Authority level with different comparison group.
Data and Analysis Research and Reports -
Beyond Pockets of Excellence: Integrated Care Systems for Inclusion Health (Inclusion Health Network)
This report is intended for local and national policy makers and commissioners with an interest in improved outcomes for Inclusion Health populations. It presents lessons from a collaborative ICS learning network co-curated by Pathway, Groundswell and The King’s Fund over six months in late 2022 and early 2023.
Guidance and Best Practice -
SPOTLIGHT: Improving Inclusion Health Outcomes Tool (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
Spotlight is a platform that collates and presents key statistics related to the public health outcomes of Inclusion health groups across the following themes: access to and utilisation of health care; preventative care; health outcomes; and wider determinants of health.
Website of resources -
Census 2021: Protected characteristics by disability status, England and Wales (ONS)
Report exploring how observed trends found in disability are also found for other protected characteristics, including ethnic group, religion, sexual orientation, and legal partnership status.
Data and Analysis -
Health Inequalities Dashboard (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
This Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) tool has been developed to present evidence of health inequalities in England. Measures of inequality are provided for key indicators being used by OHID to monitor progress on reducing inequalities within England. For some indicators, inequality measures are also provided within regions, local authorities and NHS clinical commissioning groups. More local level measures will be added to the dashboard over time
Fingertips Profile -
Segment Tool (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
This Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) tool provides information on the causes of death and age groups that are driving inequalities in life expectancy at local area level. Targeting the causes of death which contribute most to the life expectancy gap should have the biggest impact on reducing inequalities.
Fingertips Profile -
Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On (Institute of Health Equity, February 2020)
The Institute of Health Equity examines progress in addressing health inequalities in England, 10 years on from the landmark study Fair Society, Healthy Lives (The Marmot Review).
Research and Reports -
No child left behind: a public health informed approach to improving outcomes for vulnerable children (Public Health England, 2020)
Reports for local government and their partners to inform their co-ordinated approaches to reduce vulnerability and adversity in childhood.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Childhood vulnerability in England 2019 (Children’s Commissioner, 2019)
The Children’s Commissioner’s 2019 childhood vulnerability report examines the latest scale of rates of childhood vulnerability.
Research and Reports -
Statistics: looked after children and children in need (Department for Education)
Collection of statistics on children under local authority care (looked after children LAC) and children in need (CIN) at national and local authority level
Data and Analysis -
Child Sexual Exploitation (Department for Education, 2017)
Definition and a guide for practitioners, local leaders and decision-makers working to protect children from child sexual exploitation.
Research and Reports -
Group based child sexual exploitation characteristics of offending (Home Office, 2020)
This paper sets out the best available evidence on group-based child sexual exploitation. This includes the characteristics of offenders and their networks, how they operate, the context in which these crimes are committed and implications of these findings for local partners and for policy.
The paper draws on the literature review which examines group-based child sexual exploitation in the community, drawing on academic research, official statistics and grey literature. It aims to assess the quality of the evidence and highlight challenges and evidence gaps in this area.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Special educational needs (SEN) statistics (Department for Education)
Statistics on pupils with SEN, including information on educational attainment, destinations, absence, exclusions, and characteristics.
Special educational needs: analysis and summary of data sources (Department for Education)
Data analysis and links to statistical release data sources on children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) or a disability.
Data and Analysis Research and Reports -
Carers Trust Resources
Carers Trust is a website that offers a wide range of resources and information for anyone who works with carers.
Website of resources -
Carers – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) resources
All NICE products on carers. Includes any guidance and quality standards.
Guidance and Best Practice -
State of Caring 2021 report (Carers UK, 2021)
This report provides a snapshot of caring in 2021 by only including the responses from the 8,119 people who are currently providing care.
Research and Reports -
People with learning disabilities – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) resources
All NICE products on people with learning disabilities. Includes any guidance and quality standards.
Guidance and Best Practice -
People with learning disabilities in England (Public Health England, 2020)
Updates of national statistics about people with learning disabilities in England and the services and support available to them and their families.
Data and Analysis -
People with physical disabilities – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) resources
All NICE products on people with physical disabilities. Includes any guidance.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Adult Social Care Analytical Hub (NHS Digital)
The Adult Social Care Analytical Hub contains home pages for each of the social care publications. Each homepage has links to that publication’s Power BI interactive report, web publications and guidance.
Data and Analysis -
Female Genital Mutilation Statistics (NHS Digital)
The Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Enhanced Dataset (SCCI 2026) supports the Department of Health and Social Care’s FGM Prevention Programme by presenting a picture of the prevalence of FGM identified by the NHS in England.
Data collected by healthcare providers in England, including acute hospitals, mental health services and GP practices are collated in these statistics.Data and Analysis -
Female genital mutilation: resource pack (Home Office)
FGM is illegal in the UK. This pack includes: case studies where FGM has been experienced by girls and women in the UK and information on what local authorities and others can do to raise awareness of FGM in their local area.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Gypsies and Travellers Research Briefing (House of Commons, 2019)
This House of Commons Library briefing paper provides an overview of the key issues and policies relating to Gypsy and Traveller communities in England. The paper examines a range of issues including: inequalities, racial discrimination, accommodation needs, illegal encampments, health and education outcomes, employment rates, welfare reform and evidence of over-representation in the criminal justice system.
Research and Reports -
National LGBT Survey Data Viewer (Government Equalities Office, 2019)
Data from the national LGBT survey of 2017
Data and Analysis -
National LGBT Survey and Action Plan (Government Equalities Office)
The LGBT Action Plan (2018) was a cross-Government plan that set out how the lives of LGBT people would be imprived through Parliament. This provides a collection of reports and updates associated with the Plan
Research and Reports -
PHE Health inequalities: reducing ethnic inequalities
Guidance to support local and national action on ethnic inequalities in health.
Guidance and Best Practice -
The Khan tobacco control review: A magic bullet for health inequalities (The King’s Fund, 2022)
Summary of ‘The Khan review: making smoking obsolete’, which will inform the Government’s Health Disparities White Paper.
Research and Reports -
The health of people from ethnic minority groups in England (The Kings Fund, 2021)
This article examines ethnic differences in health outcomes, highlighting the variation across ethnic groups and health conditions, and considers what is needed to reduce health inequalities.
Research and Reports -
The unequal impact of COVID-19: investigating the effect on people with certain protected characteristics (NHS Confederation, 2022)
Research conducted by public bodies has shown that COVID-19 has had a greater impact, both directly and indirectly, on people who share certain protected characteristics (such as belonging to particular ethnicities or age categories, having a disability, or being women or from the LGBTQ+ community). Health and care services have a major role to play in both identifying the extent of these impacts as well as working together to reduce them.
This report showcases examples of health and care systems across the country devising innovative approaches to mitigate the direct effects of COVID-19, through targeted vaccination campaigns, and support for people to recover from indirect impacts, through wellbeing and support programmes.
Data and Analysis Guidance and Best Practice Research and Reports -
Gender identity, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
Gender identity refers to a person’s sense of their own gender, whether male, female or another category such as non-binary. This may or may not be the same as their sex registered at birth. The 2021 census included questions on gender identify for the first time and the responses are summarised in this report. Information at a local authority level is included as an interactive maps and there are links to more detailed datasets.
Data and Analysis -
Disability, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on self-reported disability in England and Wales, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how levels of disability (aged-standardised) vary across local authorities in England.
Data and Analysis -
Unpaid care, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of the latest statistics on unpaid carers and how many hours of care they provide in a typical week, based on Census 2021 data. Ths includes an interactive map showing how levels of unpaid care (aged-standardised) varies across local authorities in England.
Data and Analysis -
UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of UK armed forces veterans population who have either previously served in the regular forces, reserve forces, or both, based on Census 2021 data. This includes an interactive map showing how UK armed forces veterans’ population varied across local authorities in England.
Data and Analysis -
UK armed forces mental health annual statistics: financial year 2020/21 (OHID)
Statistical information on mental health among the UK armed forces.
Data and Analysis Research and Reports -
Ministry of Defence Annual population survey: UK armed forces veterans residing in Great Britain (Ministry of Defence, 2019)
This page provides estimates on the size and socio-demographic characteristics of the UK veteran population living in England, Scotland and Wales.
Data and Analysis -
Unpaid care by age, sex and deprivation, England (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
The dataset contains unpaid care by age, sex, and deprivation in England based on census 2021 data.
Data and Analysis -
Learning disability – applying All Our Health (Public Health England, 2023)
This guide helps frontline workers to provide the best possible support for people with a learning disability and their families.
Data and Analysis -
COVID-19 Health Inequalities and Recovery Tool for the South East (CHIRTSE) (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
The COVID-19 Health Inequalities and Recovery Tool has been developed to explore and demonstrate the immediate impacts of COVID-19 on health inequalities in the population in the South East. The tool’s purpose is to highlight health inequalities which may have been increased by the pandemic and to guide post-COVID-19 recovery plans.
Data and Analysis -
Wider Determinants of Health Profile (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
This Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) profile collates national, regional and local data on the wider determinants of health including the environment, education, employment and income, crime, health outcomes, health assets and vulnerable groups.
Fingertips Profile -
Delivering health and care for people who sleep rough: going above and beyond (The Kings Fund, 2020)
People who sleep rough have complex and multiple health and care needs that all too often are not met. They have some of the worst health outcomes in England. This report shares the findings from The Kings Fund research into the experiences of homeless people in accessing health and social care.
Research and Reports -
Migrant health guide (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners.
Guidance and Best Practice -
Payment Rejected: Financial discrimination against sex workers in the UK (UNSEEN)
This report summarises research on the discriminatory behaviour of UK-based banks and other financial institutions against sex workers. This includes various forms of exclusion, refusal, or unfair treatment from different organisations that provide financial services to individuals and small businesses.
Research and Reports -
How to prevent modern slavery (UNSEEN)
This report is to identify trends, patterns and correlations to understand how individuals from diverse nationalities were recruited, unearth any correlations between the recruitment tactics and the methods of control used by exploiters and identify the barriers faced when trying to leave exploitative situations. The project will support stakeholders to make strategic decisions.
Research and Reports -
People experiencing homelessness, England and Wales: Census 2021 (ONS)
This statistical report contains the age, sex, ethnic group, health, disability status, legal partnership status, sexual orientation, and employment status of people identified as homeless in England and Wales, using Census 2021 data.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
Inclusion Health Groups in Frimley ICS: An overview of available data and published evidence (OHID)
This data pack is intended to provide a one-off summary of available data and evidence for the inclusion of health groups in the South East at an ICB level. The aim of this resource is to understand what data exists at a local level. For each group, the key messages for systems are presented, followed by an overview of health issues and available data.
Data and Analysis -
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment (2022)
This Health Needs Assessment was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment – Summary slides (2022)
Summary slide deck to accompany the 0-19s Health Needs Assessment that was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
Bracknell Forest 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment – Deep Dive (2022)
The 0-19 Health Needs Assessment (HNA) was jointly developed by the Public Health Teams in Berkshire East: Bracknell Forest Council, Slough Borough Council, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, and the overarching Berkshire East Public Health Hub. This report produced to understand the health needs of the local 0-19 population and identify areas of inequalities in Bracknell Forest.
Data and Analysis -
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment (2022)
This Health Needs Assessment was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment – Summary slides (2022)
Summary slide deck to accompany the 0-19s Health Needs Assessment that was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
LGBTQ Health Needs Assessments – Bracknell Forest
This section of the Joint Strategic Needs assessment (JSNA) aims to map the needs of LGBT people in Bracknell Forest as part of a formal process for the first time. It is acknowledged that the quality of evidence used is variable. However, this is an important first step in recognising the needs of this group, which include the need for further data collection, analysis and use.
Data and Analysis -
How life has changed in Bracknell Forest: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Bracknell Forest from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment (2022)
This Health Needs Assessment was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment – Summary slides (2022)
Summary slide deck to accompany the 0-19s Health Needs Assessment that was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
COVID-19: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Needs Assessment for Slough (Public Health for Berkshire, September 2020)
This needs assessment forms part of a wider programme of work in Slough and provides a descriptive overview of the risks and outcomes from COVID-19 among Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups in Slough. Using local
information from the Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System, three key areas have been examined 1) risk factors for COVID-19, 2) COVID-19 cases and 3) COVID-19 deaths.Data and Analysis -
LGBTQ Health Needs Assessments – Slough
This section of the Joint Strategic Needs assessment (JSNA) aims to map the needs of LGBT people in Slough as part of a formal process for the first time. It is acknowledged that the quality of evidence used is variable. However, this is an important first step in recognising the needs of this group, which include the need for further data collection, analysis and use.
Data and Analysis -
How life has changed in Slough: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Slough from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment (2022)
This Health Needs Assessment was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
Berkshire East 0 to 19s Health Needs Assessment – Summary slides (2022)
Summary slide deck to accompany the 0-19s Health Needs Assessment that was jointly produced by the three Berkshire East local authorities and the Berkshire East Public Health Hub. It provides a detailed look at the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Berkshire East to inform future commissioning of health visiting and school nursing services.
Data and Analysis -
LGBTQ Health Needs Assessments – RBWM
This section of the Joint Strategic Needs assessment (JSNA) aims to map the needs of LGBT people in RBWM as part of a formal process for the first time. It is acknowledged that the quality of evidence used is variable. However, this is an important first step in recognising the needs of this group, which include the need for further data collection, analysis and use
Data and Analysis -
RBWM Places: Ascot Population Profile (Berkshire East Public Health Hub, May 2022)
This Population Profile provides a high-level summary of the demography and health of people living in Ascot. These areas have been compared against the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) and Frimley Integrated Care System (ICS) to provide further context. Produced by the Berkshire East Public Health Hub in May 2022).
Data and Analysis -
RBWM Places: Maidenhead Town Centre and Maidenhead Population Profile (Berkshire East Public Health Hub, May 2022)
This Population Profile provides a high-level summary of the demography and health of people living in Maidenhead Town Centre and Maidenhead. These areas have been compared against the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) and Frimley Integrated Care System (ICS) to provide further context. Produced by the Berkshire East Public Health Hub in May 2022).
Data and Analysis -
RBWM Places: Windsor Population Profile (Berkshire East Public Health Hub, May 2022)
This Population Profile provides a high-level summary of the demography and health of people living in Windsor. This has been compared against the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) and Frimley Integrated Care System (ICS) to provide further context.
Data and Analysis -
How life has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead: Census 2021 (Office for National Statistics, 2023)
A summary of how life has changed in Windsor and Maidenhead from the 2011 census to the 2021 census. This focuses on more detailed demographic data, including age, ethnicity, country of birth, religion, disability and health, caring responsibilities, housing, employment and health.
Data and Analysis
Currently no resources for this region
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